Finalize & create content for Kahi Kai website


Mentors from Université Côte d'Azur:

  • Christophe Mocquet

  • Eric Röttinger

  • Aldine Amiel

  • Noan Le Bescot

Learn about my host organization:

Kahi Kai, which means "unique ocean" in native Hawaiian, is a non-profit organization founded by Hawaiian and French scientific researchers in 2009, aimed at raising awareness of all publics, including the scientific and non-scientific community, about the importance of our oceans and our responsibility to conserve them.

“Educating our youngest generation will have the greatest impact as children have a dual role as current consumers and future policy makers. By providing them with a basic understanding and respect for the ocean, and fostering a passion and interest in marine science, we ensure that our future leaders will be capable of making informed decisions regarding ocean conservation.”

What did I do?

My Professional Practice with this organization has consisted of creating new content for the Kahi Kai website. According to their objectives, I proposed to create a section on the website accessible to all publics, although mainly oriented to teachers. Teachers have an essential role in educating and influencing their pupils, however not many teachers are aware of the current situation our oceans are facing and how important it is to begin to take action. Therefore, this section will provide teachers with basic information about some of the main threats the seas and oceans are subjected to. The school material created comprises:

  • A theoretical document where basic but complete knowledge about five chosen marine science related topics is provided.

  • A PowerPoint presentation summarizing the related theoretical document, that includes images, diagrams and videos, to be as visual as possible for data communication.

  • Several activities regarding each of the five topics.

The main objective of this work was to get in close contact with kids and make them think and reflect about the ocean biodiversity and health, as well as its importance for humanity, in order to enhance their respect and protection actions for the marine environment.

Marine science related topics:

I have selected five topics regarding the threats and current situation of the oceans that I have considered essential for teachers to discuss about in class. It is for this reason that I have decided to focus on corals and coral reefs, plankton, climate change, marine pollution (mainly focused on plastic pollution) and overfishing. Each topic comprises basic but complete information in which a definition of the topic is provided, the main problems and solutions, as well as curiosity facts.

This is for the teachers to first acquire a basic understanding of the topics in order to guide their classes towards them, and then implement the interactive activities, making the students participate in different projects related to marine conservation.

What are corals?

Classification of corals

Importance of corals

Threats to corals

Did you know?

What is plankton?

Classification of plankton

Importance of plankton

Did you know?

What is climate change?

Causes of climate change

Consequences of climate change

What can we do? - Solutions to climate

What is marine pollution?

Sources of marine plastic pollution

Consequences of plastic pollution

Solutions to plastic pollution

Did you know?

What is overfishing?

Causes of overfishing

Consequences of overfishing

Solutions to overfishing

Did you know?

Interactive activities:

I have proposed several interactive activities in relation to each topic that teachers or educators can use to implement them in their classes, as a way of putting into practice the acquired knowledge. All these new activities have been designed and/or chosen taking into consideration the interactive participation of the students, making them reflect about the situation and problems and provide solutions to different scenarios, thus promoting also their creativity, imagination and reflective skills.

The activities corresponding each of the five selected topics are represented by a logo created and designed by myself for the Kahi Kai website in order to make the web page look more professional and attractive to the teachers and the general public.

Corals & Coral Reefs


Climate Change

Marine Pollution


Acquired skills and professional competences:

Communicative skills

Time management


Creativity & Imagination

Check out the final created school content and material!

  1. Theoretical documents

2. PowerPoint presentations

3. Interactive activities

This website was developed under the International Master of Marine Biological Resources (IMBRSea) as a presentation of my internships with Université Côte d'Azur. For further information, do not hesitate to contact me through this email: